Sorry, the registration key is invalid. Please double check your key. Otherwise, please contact Alexander Colwell. This demo will expire tomorrow. Please make your payment today to get your registration number. This demo will expire in ^1 days. Please make your payment today to get your registration number. This demo has expired. Please make your payment today to get your registration number. Sorry, cannot open NotePad++ preference document. Use "Preferences" dialog box to change settings. Sorry, cannot open last document. Defaulting to standard "NotePad++ File" in the System Folder. Sorry, cannot print the document. There is no print driver. Printer is not responding, please check printer and try again. Sorry, unknown printer error has occurred. Sorry, could not find the printer. Sorry, not enough memory to print. Print I/O error has occurred, please check printer and try again. Sorry, unimplemented print control instruction. Do you have the correct print driver? Sorry, failed to open print driver. Sorry, the valid years ranges must be between 1904 to 2039. Sorry, invalid left & right matching characters. Must have even number of characters. Sorry, failed to save page information. Sorry, failed to save page. Sorry, cannot save document. Disk is full. Sorry, failed to save document. Sorry, failed to read text document. Sorry, failed to open text document. Sorry, fail to open "^1" document. NotePad++'s Error ^1 Error, Object method is missing! Error, Object reference is invalid! Sorry, "^1" is already opened. Sorry, cannot run on Mac 128K or 512K computer. Sorry, cannot run on Lisa or Macintosh XL computer. Sorry, NotePad++ requires System 6.0.5 or higher. Sorry, out of memory! You will not be able to undo this action. Sorry, out of memory! Warning, running low on memory! Sorry, running low on memory! It is safer to quit without saving your changes to avoid the possiblity of crashing your Macintosh. NotePad++'s global memory allocation failed. Running low on memory. Sorry, failed to open NotePad++. Perhaps running low on memory. Sorry, cannot run on this Macintosh! Need MacPlus or newer.